Trade Book


This method is used to provide the daily trade details of the day. This API can only be used in an active session when a client is logged in with valid credentials. The only parameter passed on the request is the client’s ID which is passed to the system and is responded with a dataset which comprises of exchange order ID, exchange trade ID, exchange trade time, Quantity, Pending quantity, original quantity and Rate among other things. The method responds with status of execution of API and a message along with the requisite type of status.

Request Method: POST

Request format: JSON

Request Header:

Content-Type: application/json

to be provided after registration



Field Name Description Data Type
(max length)
Validation Sample Value
appName App Name provided at the time of registration String Cannot be empty. IIFLMarDEMO
appVer Developer App Version String Cannot be empty. 1.0
key UserKey generated at the time of registration String Cannot be empty. ABpyyGUh1nsbesSlup3VKURkI4tQDe8y
osName Channel of order String Cannot be empty. WEB, Android, iOS
requestCode Request Code of the API called String Cannot be empty. IIFLMarRQTrdBkV1
userId User ID generated at the time of registration String Cannot be empty. ZkhghN5uKj
password Password generated at the time of registration String Cannot be empty. lfjnfS7rHGj


Field Name Description Data Type
(max length)
Validation Sample Value
ClientCode Pass the Clientcode for whome we want to check margin. String(15) Cannot be empty. Dummy123


  "head": {
    "appName": "IIFLMarDEMO",
    "appVer": "1.0",
    "key": "ABpyyGUh1nsbesSlup3VKURkI4tQDe8y",
    "osName": "Android",
    "requestCode": "IIFLMarRQTrdBkV1",
    "userId": "mocZueK622W",
    "password": "UjR1ElLwSzr"
  "body": {
    "ClientCode": "Dummy123"



Field Name Description Data Type
(max length)
List of Values Sample Value
responseCode This is the response code of API String - IIFLMarRQLoginForVendor
status This is the response code of API String 0
statusDescription This is the response code of API String 0 - Success
2 - Invalid head parameters
responseCode This is the response code of API String - IIFLMarRQLoginForVendor


Field Name Description Data Type
(max length)
List Values Sample Value
Status Returns the status of the response. Integer A -1
Message Returns the message of the reponse. String - “Success”
“No record found.”
“Invalid input parameters.”
“Invalid head parameters.”
“Error while processing your request.”
“Invalid Session”
"No Order found for this Client."
TradeBookDetail Trade Details of that particular client for the day. Array Of TradeBookV2 Array Of OrderBookV2 -


FieldName Type Description
Exch Char(1) Exchange in which order has been Placed. N- NSE, B-BSE
ExchType Char(1) Exchange segment C-Cash, D-Derivatives
ScripCode Int32(4) Scrip Code of the particular stock
ScripName String(50) Scrip Name of the scrip.
BuySell Char(1) B- Buy
S- Sell
Qty Int32(4) Number Qunatity which is traded
PendingQty Int32(4) Quantity which is pending at exchange p
OrgQty Int32(4) Original total quantity placed by client
Qty Int32(4) Order Qunatity
Rate Double(10) Rate at which order has been Traded
ExchOrderID Int64(20) Order ID given by Exchange to an order.
ExchangeTradeID Int64(20) Trade ID given by Exchange to an order.
ExchangeTradeTime DateTime Time at which order is traded

Success Response

  "head": {
    "responseCode": "IIFLMarRQTrdBkV1",
    "status": "0",
    "statusDescription": "Success"
  "body": {
    "Message": "",
    "Status": 0,
    "TradeBookDetail": [
        "BuySell": "S",
        "DelvIntra": "D",
        "Exch": "N",
        "ExchOrderID": "1100000000024583",
        "ExchType": "C",
        "ExchangeTradeID": "50050822",
        "ExchangeTradeTime": "/Date(1556273931000+0530)/",
        "Multiplier": 0,
        "OrgQty": 10,
        "PendingQty": 5,
        "Qty": 5,
        "Rate": 1500,
        "ScripCode": 18011,
        "ScripName": "WHIRLPOOL",
        "TradeType": "ON"
        "BuySell": "B",
        "DelvIntra": "D",
        "Exch": "B",
        "ExchOrderID": "1557728588259000019",
        "ExchType": "C",
        "ExchangeTradeID": "1000",
        "ExchangeTradeTime": "/Date(1557740929000+0530)/",
        "Multiplier": 0,
        "OrgQty": 8,
        "PendingQty": 0,
        "Qty": 8,
        "Rate": 1619.6,
        "ScripCode": 500410,
        "ScripName": "ACC",
        "TradeType": "ON"

Success Response

  "head": {
    "responseCode": "IIFLMarRQTrdBkV1",
    "status": "0",
    "statusDescription": "Success"
  "body": {
    "Message": "No Trades found for this Client.",
    "Status": 1,
    "TradeBookDetail": []