Order Request
This API is the backbone of all the trade dependent APIs and is the key method that you would need to place your order in the market. Like other APIs this work only with active session and you need to be successfully logged in to consume this API. This API has been designed keeping in mind the requirements of both individual and institutional traders, where you can either place the order for yourself or any of your clients who trade through you. The input parameters include exchange, segment of exchange, price, quantity, before or after market trade, order validity etc. and takes implicit parameters such as Ordering date and time, reference IDs. It returns various codes and order deployment details on successful execution and status of API execution and message along with it.
Request Method: POST
Request format: JSON
Request Header:
Content-Type: application/json
to be provided after registration
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
Validation | Sample Value |
appName | App Name provided at the time of registration | String | Cannot be empty. | IIFLMarDEMO |
appVer | Developer App Version | String | Cannot be empty. | 1.0 |
key | UserKey generated at the time of registration | String | Cannot be empty. | ABpyyGUh1nsbesSlup3VKURkI4tQDe8y |
osName | Channel of order | String | Cannot be empty. | WEB, Android, iOS |
requestCode | Request Code of the API called | String | Cannot be empty. | IIFLMarRQOrdReq |
userId | User ID generated at the time of registration | String | Cannot be empty. | ZkhghN5uKj |
password | Password generated at the time of registration | String | Cannot be empty. | lfjnfS7rHGj |
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
Validation | Sample Value |
ClientCode | Client code for whom order is being placed. | String | Cannot be empty. | Dummy123 |
OrderRequesterCode | Clientcode of customer | String | Cannot be empty. | Dummy123 |
OrderFor | P- Place (Fresh ), M-Modify, C- Cancel Order | String | Cannot be empty. | P M C |
Exchange | Exchange in which order has been placed. N- NSE, B- BSE, M-MCX | Char | Cannot be empty. | N B M |
ExchangeType | Exchange segment. C-Cash, D-Derivative, U - Currency | Char | Cannot be empty. | C D U |
Price | Rate at which client wants to Buy / Sell the stock.(Price=0 for at market order) | Double | Cannot be empty. | 10200.00 |
OrderID | It is an incremental number for each order after login. | Long | Cannot be empty. | - |
OrderType | Client want to buy or sell the | String | Cannot be empty. | Buy MSell |
Qty | Total quantity client want to buy or sell (In Case Of Derivative Send Market Lot in Qty) | Long | Cannot be empty. | 2 |
OrderDateTime | Local date at which order has been placed. | Date | Cannot be empty. | /Date(1522923287588)/ |
TradedQty | Pass the traded qty. For placing fresh order, value should be 0. For modification/cancellation, send the actual traded qty. Incorrect value would lead to order rejection. | Long | Cannot be empty. | 0 |
ScripCode | Scrip Code of the requested order. | Long | Cannot be empty. | 22 |
AtMarket | Specifies where the order placed is at market or Limit Order. Send False for Limit Order and True for At Market Order. | Boolean | Cannot be empty. | true false |
RemoteOrderID | This will be unique ID for each order created by you. | String | Cannot be empty. | 123456789123456789 |
ExchOrderID | This is order reference number generated by exchange for an order. Send 0 for fresh order and for modify cancel send the exchange order id received from exchange. | String | Cannot be empty. | 5 |
DisQty | Quantity exposed in the exchange. Disclosed quantity is never larger than order quantity. | Long | Cannot be empty. | 0 |
StopLossPrice | This will be the trigger price. This will be set when user want to place stop loss order. (For Buy Stop loss, Trigger price should not be greater than Limit Price. And for Sell Stop Loss Order Trigger Price should not be less than Limit Price) | Double | Cannot be empty. | - |
IsStopLossOrder | This will indicate where client has placed stop loss order. Send True if order placed is stop loss and send False if it is regular order | Boolean | Cannot be empty. | true false |
IOCOrder | TSend False in case order is not IOC | Boolean | Cannot be empty. | true false |
IsIntraday | For Intraday order send this flag as True and for Delivery order send it as False | Boolean | Cannot be empty. | true false |
ValidTillDate | Order Validity Date For VTD (GTD in Case of Commodity) Order should not be today’s or earlier date. Date should be in Range of 45 days from next Day | Date | Cannot be empty. | /Date(1522923270611)/ |
PublicIP | Local IP address of the Device used by client to place an order | String | Cannot be empty. | |
iOrderValidity | Enum of OrderValidity | OrderValidity | Cannot be empty. | 0 - Day 4 - EOS 2 - GTC 1- GTD 3 - IOC 6 - FOK |
AppSource | App source generated at the time of registration | Integer | Cannot be empty. | 5 |
"_ReqData": {
"head": {
"requestCode": "IIFLMarRQOrdReq",
"key": "lpB6VGirPra8bIMeKAGJGUfAjhqVcRhx",
"appVer": "",
"appName": "TEST123",
"osName": "Android",
"userId": "OPvTpKu8EzD",
"password": "qHLmTRrs5La"
"body": {
"ClientCode": "Dummy123",
"OrderFor": "P",
"Exchange": "N",
"ExchangeType": "C",
"Price": 1164,
"OrderID": 2,
"OrderType": "BUY",
"Qty": 1,
"OrderDateTime": "/Date(1563857357612)/",
"ScripCode": 2885,
"AtMarket": false,
"RemoteOrderID": "s0002201907231019172",
"ExchOrderID": "0",
"DisQty": 0,
"IsStopLossOrder": false,
"StopLossPrice": 1170,
"IsVTD": false,
"IOCOrder": false,
"IsIntraday": false,
"PublicIP": "",
"AHPlaced": "N",
"ValidTillDate": "/Date(1563857357611)/",
"iOrderValidity": 0,
"OrderRequesterCode": "Dummy123",
"TradedQty": 0
"AppSource": 58
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
List of Values | Sample Value |
responseCode | This is the response code of API | String | - | IIFLMarRQLoginForVendor |
status | This is the response code of API | String | 0 2 |
0 |
statusDescription | This is the response code of API | String | 0 - Success 2 - Invalid head parameters |
Success |
responseCode | This is the response code of API | String | - | IIFLMarRQLoginForVendor |
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
List Values | Sample Value |
Status | Returns the status of the response. | Int | -1 = Exception 0 = success 1=No Record Found 2- Invalid Input/ head parameters 9-“Invalid Session” |
0 |
Message | Returns the status of the response. | String | A. String “Success” B. “No record found.” C. “Invalid input parameters.” D. “Invalid head parameters.” E. “Error while processing your request.” F. “Invalid Session” G. "No Order found for this Client." | 0 |
BrokerOrderID | Order ID generated by IIFL | UInt32 | 123456 | |
ClientCode | Client code who had placed the order | String | dummy123 | |
Exch | Exchange in which order has been placed (N-NSE, B-BSE, M- MCX) | Char | N | |
ExchOrderID | Order id received from exchange. In case of rejections, these would be null | String | 0 | |
ExchType | Exchange segment. C-Cash, D-Derivative, U- Currency, X - | Char | C | |
RMSResponseCode | Repsonse code send by RMS (0- Success) | Integer | 0 | |
LocalOrderID | This is the local order id used while placing order | Long | 124 | |
ScripCode | Returns Scrip Code | Integer | 2885 | |
Time | Exchange Order time received from exchange. Empty in case of rejected orders | DateTime | /Date(1594924200000+0530)/ |
Success Response
"head": {
"responseCode": "IIFLMarRPOrdRes",
"status": "0",
"statusDescription": "Success"
"body": {
"BrokerOrderID": 603977,
"ClientCode": "Dummy123",
"Exch": "N",
"ExchOrderID": "0",
"ExchType": "C",
"LocalOrderID": 2,
"Message": "Success",
"RMSResponseCode": 0,
"ScripCode": 2885,
"Status": 0,
"Time": "/Date(1594924200000+0530)/"
Failure Response
"head": {
"responseCode": "IIFLMarRPOrdRes",
"status": "0",
"statusDescription": "Success"
"body": {
"BrokerOrderID": 603999,
"ClientCode": "Dummy123",
"Exch": "N",
"ExchOrderID": "0",
"ExchType": "C",
"LocalOrderID": 2,
"Message": "Order rejected by RMS. Limit price should be within circuit limit(1143.9 - 1398.1)",
"RMSResponseCode": -64,
"ScripCode": 2885,
"Status": 1,
"Time": "/Date(1594924200000+0530)/"